Month: October 2021

  • Hello, voicebot speaking. Ready to solve problems

    Artificial intelligence is a greath helper, if we teach it so. (source: AI facilitates communication between companies and their customers Imagine having a crucial online meeting in a couple of minutes, but your internet connection refuses to work. Stressed out, you call the customer support line, and the voice, that picks up the phone…

  • Conversational AI in Healthcare: The Path Towards an Intelligent Care Delivery

    The year 2020 witnessed significant upheaval in the healthcare sector. When the entire world moved in shelter-in-place situations… Continue reading on Chatbots Life »

  • How to track bot in FB messenger?

    The bot is not installed yet, but I want to find out what information can Facebook analytics can provide. submitted by /u/rituximab20cd [link] [comments]

  • chatterbot training

    i’m using the chatterbot library for my chatbot and i have an intents.json file, have tried using the ChatterbotCorpusTrainer and ListTrainer but they don’t work since my json file is a dictionary and the error i got was AttributeError: ‘dict’ object has no attribute ‘split’ is there a way for me to train my bot…