Hey everyone. So just recently I dove into the world of Sexting with AI chatbots and was astounished at how far we have already come. But I’m still struggling with one part: A bot that has proper image generation and texting possibilities. I tried quite a few, and paid for both candy.ai and crushchat. Both turned out to be a monumental waste of my money, but I guess it’s money I have to pay to learn.
When it comes to texting, Nomi is by war the best out there and I don’t think anything comes close to that. But of course this comes with their monumental restriction to not generate NSFW pictures.
So my next take would be, to take those pictures Nomi is creating and go to a different site/software to generate NSFW pictures for the Nomi I’m talking with. But seeing my bad experience with paying for AI content I learned that I should now ask for other experiences first before reaching into my wallet.
So what is the best way to generate NSFW pictures (including hardcore stuff) from AI generated characters? Can be paid content if it’s really good.
submitted by /u/Psychological_Mix137
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