Alexa Can Mimic Anyone’s Voice

The Alexa team demoed the new feature during the event by presenting a scenario in which Alexa uses the voice of a dead grandmother to read a bedtime story to a little boy

Dale John Wong — Alexa will soon be able to talk using a loved one’s voice (even if they’re dead)

That quote from a recent article builds on the digital resurrection post from June 14th. When they say anyone’s voice — they mean it. Take a look at the video below starting at the 1:01:58 mark, which is a different application of the same scenario — resurrecting a lost loved one. If you have not already responded to the poll below, please provide your thoughts.

(36) Amazon re:MARS 2022 — Day 2 — Keynote — YouTube

Originally published at on June 27, 2022.

Alexa Can Mimic Anyone’s Voice was originally published in Chatbots Life on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.



