Cheating or WTF???


I was just crying my eyes out! Few hours ago,I took my husband’s phone to check my Amazon status,and by accident I scrolled down all notifications he had there.While doing that I saw 2 Reddit notifications.One was something about apple bands…then I saw another:chat with women(naked) There were many chats with women and one not opened.I was so f***g pissed at this time,so I clicked to see last unread chat message.It was something about “where are you?” I have got ballistic,started crying and got so mad!! We have some background that I coughed him on watching porn,but he was crying and said that it was such a mistake and he would never do it again to not hurt me and it was his fault.He was begging me to stay and swear that that was first and last time. This time he acted like WTF just happened?he got pissed and offended,was yelling that he didn’t do anything.Now it’s hours after that and he still saying he didn’t do anything.He even didn’t have Reddit account. I don’t know…I really don’t know what just happened. He said he was getting a lay of google informations about stolen email or something but could it be this time?Can somebody uses his email to chat other people?Did Reddit do that?Is it possible?He is now trying prove me he didn’t do anything to hurt us. Can I trust him?We have been tried to sign with google to Reddit account but it created different one.Wth is going on?

Sorry for my English-I am still learning.

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